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The Museum of Ideas
Exhibition of Ideas Going to the Moon


As LifeShip’s founder Ben Haldeman said: “These thinkers and visionaries contributed to a cosmic gallery that future civilizations could one day discover.”

What might they discover? Future Civilizations who uncover The Museum of Ideas Exhibition of Ideas will learn about the perspectives and ideas shared by the 20 women who contributed to the project. The women who were creating and pioneering in their fields in 2024 and 2025. What were these women thinking about? Such things as the power in our innate human creativity, how we might continue to expand our understanding of our human bodies and health, our power to connect with each other, our ability to explore and found new ventures beyond earth and in the solar system.

This display of visionary and everyday women thinkers reveals the aesthetics and beauty of everyday ideas. It says something about the beauty and mystery of the thoughts we're thinking today as we're thinking them. It says something about what we knew ideas to be in 2024. A future observer will learn that among other things we still found ideas and where they come from to be mysterious. Now, I invite you to listen to a curated glimpse of some of the moon capsule ideas.

Video Images Credit: Idea Interpretation by Iwona Fluda Founder of Creative Switzerland 

This exhibition was also contributed to the September 20, 2024, the SMART Futures Exchange, held alongside the UN Summit of the Future, which invited participants in attendance to take a journey to the year 2050 by visiting Portals to the Future and the Artifacts in Space that they contain. That event was curated by Cyndi Coon and Kim Larkin as sponsored by Dr. Claire A. Nelson. 

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Ideas Gallery nº 2: What is your idea?
Source via Public Domain Review: Field Columbian Museum (1894–1920) “Opened in 1894, the Field Columbian Museum was created to house the artefacts from the anthropology, botany, geology and zoology collections at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition. Originally named the Columbian Museum of Chicago, the museum originally occupied the only building remaining from the Exposition, the Palace of Fine Arts, now home to the Museum of Science and Industry.”

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"…if we play our cards right we could really seed the Universe with life and with positive experiences all along. So I really do hope that people kind of wake up to the fact of how beautiful life is at its best and take a little bit more of a caretaker role towards the kind of larger civilizational project that we have going on right now "

—Allison Duettman, CEO Foresight Institute

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